UNDR world première at La Grange au Lac
Harpsichordist Jean Rondeau joins forces with percussionist Tancrède Kummer on 29 June in a new original creation, based on J.S. Bach’s seminal Goldberg Variations at La Grange au Lac. The titular UNDR comes from a short story by Jorge Luis Borges and is taken to signify “wonder”, underpinning the artists’ quest for poetic movement and renewal. Jean Rondeau performed the Goldberg Variations in their original form during a lengthy concert tour earlier this year to great acclaim. Now reworked and reimagined by the artists, with spoken text by Valère Novarina, Shura Rusanova and Ezra Pound, UNDR invites the listener on a journey of improvisation and discovery.
Theodor Küng
Associate Artist Manager