
The Culture Bar: After Hours
In celebration of International Museum Day (18 May 2021), we spoke to Sarah Kirkham, Museum Officer at Museum of Enfield in London. Our conversation focussed on the key theme of the Day ‘The Future of Museums: Recover and Reimagine’.
Sarah draws on her museum career to set the tone and incorporates her diverse collections experience. She shares with us how to manage a collection during a crisis, her insights on what changes museums have implemented, what’s here to stay, and what the future might look like.
In this insightful and personal experience-based interview you will hear:
>how to rethink a COVID hit museum project in 7 hours
>a new working life pattern
>the importance of digital in making museums and collections accessible and to reach new visitors
>taking museums outside
>increasing importance of nurturing and encouraging local communities to engage with museums
>a renewed focus on partnerships and collaborations across the museum sector
Sarah is interviewed by HP’s Fiona Livingston
Useful links and resources:
Museum of Enfield:
Richmond Museum: The Kings Observatory online exhibition
Brunel Museum: escape room
Black Country Museum: TikTok campaign
Museums from Home: #museumsfromhome
Association of Leading Visitor Attractions: 2020 visitor numbers report
This is the second episode in our spin-off series of short After Hours chats discussing issues relating more broadly to the arts and culture sector.
The Culture Bar is a podcast series created by HarrisonParrott focussing on conversations in culture and the arts.
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A special thank you to Robert Cochrane as the composer of the theme tune music, and Merlyn Thomas our editor.