Curtis Symphony Orchestra
“otherworldly ensemble and professional level of sophistication”
(The New York Times)
For nearly a century Curtis has provided each member of its small student body with an unparalleled education alongside musical peers, distinguished by a “learn by doing” philosophy and personalised attention from a faculty that includes a high proportion of actively performing musicians. With admissions based solely on artistic promise, no student is turned away due to financial need. Curtis invests in each admitted student, ensuring no tuition is charged for their studies and they enter the profession free from educational debt.
Curtis students hone their craft through more than 200 orchestra, opera, and solo and chamber music offerings and programmes that bring arts access and education to the community. This real-world training allows these extraordinary young musicians to join the front rank of performers, composers, conductors, and musical leaders, making a profound impact on music onstage and in their communities.
Viola Frankenfeld Director, Arts Partnerships & Tours
“Throughout the evening, there was superb woodwind playing to enjoy, especially on the part of a remarkably accomplished first oboe; brass and percussion rose nobly to their frequently challenging tasks; and the strings were at once disciplined and glowing in sound.”
“The Curtis Symphony, the orchestra of the elite Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, gave the brilliant instrumentation all it was worth on Monday.”
“the playing of the orchestra was polished and powerful. These musicians showed themselves capable of thrilling vigor, producing a gruff, gristly sound in the scherzo and a stinging fury at the start of the finale.”